May 31, 2021

trade wars

In what situations can trade wars lead some of the smaller national economies to an economic crisis?
May 31, 2021

housing policy based on the state-supported construction

Does the housing policy based on the state-supported construction of affordable housing for citizens and the system of family-friendly benefits paid to raise fertility in society as part […]
May 31, 2021

balanced state budget

In a situation of a balanced state budget, a low level of indebtedness of the state finances and current economic realities, can a large-scale state-supported housing policy and […]
May 31, 2021

pros and cons of having an independent Central Bank

What are the pros and cons of having an independent Central Bank which can’t be easily influenced by government officials?
May 31, 2021

debt of public finances

Why did the governments of many countries, despite a good economic situation, not reduce the debt of public finances of the state and budget deficits in the state budgets?
May 31, 2021

instruments of state intervention

What instruments of state intervention are applied in your country as part of a pro-development, anti-crisis, counter-cyclical, Keynesian socio-economic policy and pro-social housing policy?
May 31, 2021

determinants of the development of electromobility and autonomous cars technology

What are the main determinants of the development of electromobility and autonomous cars technology?
May 31, 2021

efficiency of state delivery of public goods

How do you increase the efficiency of state delivery of public goods?
May 31, 2021

Human Resource Department

What do you mean by Human Resource Department? Discuss
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