June 10, 2021

file organization

The choice of file organization should be based on the system type and purpose. Name FOUR types of file organization giving an example of an application […]
June 10, 2021

important features which may be achieved by the use of a DBMS

Briefly discuss some important features which may be achieved by the use of a DBMS
June 10, 2021

legal & ethical limits on a tax opinion

What are the legal & ethical limits on a tax opinion? An analytical study of the tax practitioner’s responsibilities.   Introduction: Considering the worldwide vast development, […]
June 10, 2021

What Women Want

Watch the film, What Women Want in class. As you watch the film, take notes on any connections that you find between the plot, overall themes, […]
June 9, 2021

circumstances under which tax assessed on the husband may be collected from the wife

The income of a married woman living with her husband is deemed to be the income of the husband for the purposes of ascertaining his total […]
June 9, 2021

the rules that govern pre-incorporation contracts

Outline the rules that govern pre-incorporation contracts. Cite a relevant case law to support your answer
June 9, 2021

doctrine of lifting the veil

The courts and also statutory provisions have provided justifications for ignoring the fundamental principle of legal personality through the so-called doctrine of lifting the veil. Discuss
June 9, 2021

laws governing cooperatives and partnerships

Discuss the various laws governing cooperatives and partnerships.
June 9, 2021

the role of parliament in the budgetary process

a) Explain the role of parliament in the budgetary process. (5 marks) b) How does a budget deficit arise and what are its consequences? (5 marks) […]
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